

Teresa Hamlin
Habibeke lives in the village of Piral, in the region of Qusar and is a part of the Lezgi people group.  Habibeke lives in a chaotically beautiful and busy home. As with most Azerbaijani households, Habibeke’s home is multi-generational. She is blessed to be the mother of three adult children. While one child has moved out, and the other two (both sons), have remained at home, married and now have children of their own. The house brims with activity, as everyone interacts and lives with one another. However, most of the flurry of activity swirls around Habibeke as she sits at its center, immobile. About eight years ago, a disease greatly affected her body, and reduced the use her legs. Though she has suffered because of this disease, she has been able to maintain her sense of humor and her ability to joke with those around her. She absolutely loves teasing and playing with her grandchildren. She also loves using her hands to make things. Knitting for Azerbaijani Socks has helped Habibeke feel useful and productive in society. She is very grateful that she is able to help support her family in this way, as they help support her physically.

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