

Teresa Hamlin

After the death of her parents, Kherenisa grew up under the care of her grandmother. It was from her grandmother’s hand that she learned to knit. Her grandmother’s traditional style of knitting is very unique. Kherenisa is part of a the tat minority people group who are semi-nomadic. Their family home is located in a remote village high up in the Quba mountains. They enjoy the lush resources of mountain streams and pasturelands during the warm summer months. In the winter they travel with their livestock to the low lands near the Caspian Sea. There they find needed grass for their sheep throughout the harsh winter months.

Kherenisa is 31 years old, and has three elementary aged sons. She wants her sons to study and have a better life, but in both the summer and winter areas, the school system is not good. Therefore, she spends her knitting money on buying data for her phone so that she can hire online teachers for her sons.

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