Teresa Hamlin
Simuzer is from the village of Zarat-Kheyberi in Shamaxi. She is part of the Tat people group. Zarat-Kheyberi is one of the most remote villages in Azerbaijan. No normal car can reach this village and it only has about 100 people living there and the school only has 5 students. This village is famous for it's knitting and most of the women can knit. They have a specific pattern they make in this village which they call grapevine. Simuzer is like the mother to the entire village. She knits together with her daughter. She has 3 single children at home who are all in the marriable age and that is usually the topic of most conversations. They have a huge heard of sheep and usually spend their winters in lower pastures and the spring/summer/fall shepherding their own sheep in their vast mountains surrounding their village.