Sahsenem (on the right) is from the region of Quba. She spends her winters knitting and her summers working in the fields - like picking these cherries. In the winter she pops over to her neighbor's house (on the left) every night to knit together while they chat. She spends...
Samira - Stockings
Samira is from the city of Shirvan. She is the mom of only one son, who she has been using her money to send to tutors and help him to enter the university that he wanted to go to. Her husband doesn't let her leave their 5th story apartment without...
Sevinj - Mini Sweaters
Sevinj is originally from the village of Khinaliq in the region of Quba. She lived a semi-nomadic lifestyle following her livestock until her husband and his parents settled in the area of their winter pastures in Shirvan. Khinaliq is famous for knitting as the women in this village learned to...