


Sehla is from the village of Istisu in the region of Ismayili.   Sehla is 46 years old and has three children.  Neither she nor her husband have any other jobs and they survive on mostly subsistence farming. So Sehla and her family are very happy to be able to make some...


Ismayilli Region 36 years old. She has a new baby that she had after 12 years of infertility! She is from a village called Qalaciq which has it's own patterns and she makes her socks specifically with these patterns that she learned from her mom as a little girl.  


Qebele Region. 51 years old. She has 2 children and 2 grandchildren.  She got job at her village culture club because she could make carpets and there she teaching carpet weaving to children.  She knows most of the women in her village and she introduced us to a total of...


Qebele Region. 41 years old.  She has two children.   She learned from her mom to knit but learned how to make these slipper socks with traditional patterns recently.