Sevda Qebele


Sevda Qebele

Qebele Region. 43 years old.  She has 3 children.   She works at school as a teacher.  Her husband died when her children were small and she lives with her mother-in-law.  In 2015 there was an earthquake and a new house that her faither-in-law had just built for them was cracked in...


Peri is in her early twenties, she has a sweet smile, and doe-brown eyes that sparkle with life. Her home is filled with giggles as she chases after her toddler. Peri was inspired to learn to knit when she was pregnant with her first baby. She wanted to make little...


Qebele Region 50 years old.  She has three sons.  She taught her daughter-in-law to knit (Peri - you can read about her too)  She said she used to knit when her sons were young but they became too 'cool' to wear the slipper socks and she stopped knitting until she met us....


Qebele Region. 35 years old. 2 children. She has been knitting since she was 12 years old.  Her sister taught her.  They are 6 sisters and 5 of them are knitters.  She also can make carpets. In the summer she works at local resorts as a cleaner.  She spends her...