


Qebele region. 44 years old. She has three children. She doesn't have another job, just has a garden and plants for herself.  She has been knitting for 20 years since she got married.  Her son wants to study in university so she is spending money on his education. 


Qebele region. 35 years old.  She has two children.   She learned how to knit when she was a child from her grandmother.  She has no other job and she loves knitting.  She spends her money for her household.   


Qebele region. 55 years old.   Three kids and three grandchildren.  She works as a cleaner at the school.   Her mom taught her how to knit and make carpets.  Her mom would make the yarn and dye it and she would knit them into slippers.   She wants to teach her...


Qebele Region. 44 years old She has three children. For 20 years she has been knitting these socks and she learned from her aunt.   She works in the kitchen at the school.